Dear parents, we would like to inform you today that thanks to your support, donations and a successful Springfair we were able to transfer
75kr per student (805 students) to the International School of Helsingborg.

Thank you for your great support and growth.

We wish you a wonderful weekend!

AGM – Annual General Meeting

PTA – Participate actively now and Support your children’s school

We would like to invite all parents of ISH students to attend our Annual General Meeting.

Friday, May 31, 2024 

08:15 – 09.15

at the PYP campus / Conference Room


Election of a new PTA Board and Finance Report will be presented.

The detailed agenda can be found here: Agenda

If you cannot attend and wish to make a vote, please inform the
secretary at and assign your proxy.

Members present can only have one proxy vote.
Members will be able to join via a virtual meeting – please inform us if needed.

Voting is open to all eligible members of the school; Board officers, Parents of students currently enrolled at ISH, and any ISH Teacher. 

To be deemed valid, Proxies must be provided to the Secretary by email to 

  • within 48 hours of the commencement time of the Meeting 
  • noting the Parent’s name, child’s class and teacher’s name, and the identity of the Proxy 
  • noting the Agenda item to be voted on 
  • noting the desired vote (a vote must be in the affirmative or negative; not left open to the Proxy).

Art Competition Winner

We would like to announce the winner of the Art Competition once again.

Congratulations to Aadhisha from PYP 1A.
The picture she submitted will be the poster for this year’s Winterfair.

A big thank you to all the children who took part in the Art Competition.
They were all wonderful drawings.
We will return the drawings to the respective campuses in the next few days.

Thank you !

We would like to THANK all the volunteers and visitors of this year’s Springfair.
Thanks to you, the day was not only wonderful but also a success.

The PTA would especially like to thank all the volunteers who helped with the preparation phase and organization.

Teamwork makes the Dream work!

Post Springfair Suprise

Many thanks for a fantastic Springfair.

We would like to thank all the volunteers. Without their help and support this event would not have been possible! 

As Springfair – add on for all ISH parents and children, we would like to share a little suprise with you.

As a bonus sponsorship, we received an message from Brunchoteket to say that they would like to offer us a 15% Discount code between 6th-10th May.

The code is SPRINGFAIR15 and is valid for 15% off the entire bill (excluding alcohol).

Enjoy your meal and thank you once again.

Best regards,

Ryan, Sibel and Kimberly